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Coopers 500ml PET Bottles & Caps 24's

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Coopers PET bottles are sold in packs of 24 with caps. They are reusable, lightweight and shatterproof. Oxygen Baring ( Ox-Bar ) These can be re-used a number of times but will not last forever Remember the slogan, "Good things come in glass" This slogan is also true for your brew but finding good quality glass beer bottles is a very difficult task for the new home brewer. Now PET plastics technology has evolved to a level which allows home brew to be stored effectively. Coopers PET bottles are; reusable, lightweight, easy to clean, shatterproof, U.V. protective, Oxygen Baring. PETs are very sensitive to heat. As a rule of thumb, exposure to sunlight should be minimised at all times and when in storage should be kept in a cool dark place. They bottles may also be affected by the type and process of sterilisation please don't use sodium metabisulphate which can weeken bottles.


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